Ek Chuaj: The Maya God of commerce and cocoa

Ek Chuaj is revered as the god of commerce and trade among the Maya. The ancient Maya civilization thrived on trade networks, and Ek Chuaj was believed to oversee these economic activities.

Merchants and traders sought the blessings of Ek Chuaj for successful business ventures and safe travels. During journeys, travellers would stack three stones on top of each other and offer incense to Ek Chuaj at night to ensure a safe journey home.

Cacao held a significant role in the worship of Ek Chuaj. It was considered a sacred offering to appease and honour the deity. Maya merchants and traders would present cacao beans, cacao-based drinks, or elaborately prepared cacao products as offerings during rituals and ceremonies to seek the god’s favour and ensure prosperous business endeavours.

During specific ceremonial occasions, farmers, merchants, and other community members would come together to pay homage to Ek Chuaj and give thanks for the abundance of cacao.

These events involved offerings, prayers, dances, and feasts, fostering a sense of community and reinforcing the importance of cacao in trade and commerce. The rituals aimed to ensure successful harvests, safe travels, and prosperous business ventures.


Ancient Maya Traders


Chaac Uayab Xoc