The Talking Cross (La Cruz Parlante)

Historians called this symbol “La Cruz Parlante/Talking Cross” but the Maya Measewaal never called the symbol that way. They called it “La Santisima”, “Ki’ichkelem Yuum” or “Katabche”.

In 1850, as the Maya were considering the fate of their struggle, a “talking cross” appeared near a cenote at Chan Santa Cruz that gave new inspiration and direction to the struggle. The cross conveyed a divine message that encouraged the Maya to continue their efforts to restore their pre-Hispanic culture and destroy the system of forced labour that effectively enslaved them. The Cult of the Talking Cross helped the Maya return to their cause and Chan Santa Cruz became the political, military, and religious capital of the rebels. The town fell to the Yucatecan army several times, but the Maya always regained control.


The Maya Cross (Maaya Katab Che’)


The Blake/Andrade Dynasty